WebbAlert - September 23, 2008

WebbAlert - September 23, 2008


vor 15 Jahren

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You know how we always joked about people being able to watch
us through our webcams without us knowing it? Turns out, it's not a joke anymore.

CERN's Large Hadron Collider malfunctioned and now we have to wait at least two months to see if the world ends.
At least no one has overreacted yet.

The Japanese are planning to build a space elevator. No word yet on who will supply the music.

Microsoft announces it will buy $40 billion worth of stock in a company it can't get enough of...itself. Could this be the beginning of a self-love trend in the tech industry?

Are flash memory cards the future of digital music? Probably not, but they could lead to cheaper flash disks and other unexpected bonuses.

CBS puts an entire television news studio in your hand (sort of), and asks you to be an unpaid, unaccountable and untrained member of the digitized fourth estate. Will you answer the call?

Apple recalls faulty iPhone 3G power adapters and offers free replacements.
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