WebbAlert - September 24, 2008

WebbAlert - September 24, 2008


vor 15 Jahren

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T-Mobile's G1 is officially revealed, and aside from a few disappointing surprises, it's pretty much exactly what we were expecting.

AmazonMP3 will be G1's featured music provider. Can you say, 'iWho?'

There are these things called 'blogs,' and it turns out they're kind of a big deal.

The New York Times' new TimesPeople taps into everyone's two favorite things: news and social networking.

A new study shows that college students can't tell the difference between safe and dangerous pop-up windows. Better yet, they don't care either. Ah, college.

Netflix teams up with CBS and Disney to stream popular television shows. It's nice to see pre-teens and octogenarians finally finding common/non-creepy ground.

GE may or may not have chosen Zoho over Google to join its corporate networking program.
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