WebbAlert - September 25, 2008

WebbAlert - September 25, 2008


vor 15 Jahren

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The music industry's royalty agreement with online music services may have excluded internet radio, but it could pave the way for a similar deal in the future.It's hard out there for a third-party iPhone/iPod developer, especially when Apple wants total control over distribution ofapplications and Google is promising "radical openness."eBay wants to try something in the U.S. that's already failed miserably in Australia:no more paying by checks or money orders.Google In Quotes lets you compare what various politicians have said about important issues. Great tool for political education or diabolical smear tactic by the liberal media?A new security technology analyzes your body temperature and heart rate to tell if you're a terrorist. At least now you can stop being nevous about flying and start being nervous about being booked as a terrorist.Want to see the adorable robotphone that will soon enslave us all?If you love viral marketing as much as you love Wario Land: Shake It, then your head might just explode after you watch this.
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