WebbAlert - September 29, 2008

WebbAlert - September 29, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.One of my favorite things about the Internet is that it allows a potentially large audience for the work of currently obscure artists, students, or just anyone with a good idea and a typepad account. Like this curtain that isn't even in production yet, but is already the darling of design blogs. It's embedded with magnets so it holds whatever shape you put it in.

A group of employees of the Takashimaya Department store in Tokyo's Shinjuku district have turned old Tokyo Metro tickets into a portrait of the classic anime character "Astro Boy."

Over in Dubai, architects are working to design the world's first building in motion. The eighty story skyscraper will be the first building made out of pre-fabricated units, and each floor will be able to rotate independently of the others. So when you look at this building, it will ripple and change shapes, and never be the same at any given time. Dramamine not included in the price of a unit.

How about a fully operational qwerty keyboard with beautiful designs splashed across their 86 keys? How can you resist something that is described as "The perfect keyboard to feel happy and witty?" It's expensive - but not as bad as other designs...

One place on the web you can always go to find wonderful design is Web Urbanist. Every day you'll find carefully curated posts that bring together topical images from disparate sources, like this extensive collection of three-D graffiti art found on sidewalks, walls, and galleries throughout the world. Or these amazing tree houses. You can also check out some amazing abandoned cities, without accidentally making a visit to Silent Hill. Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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