WebbAlert - October  1, 2008

WebbAlert - October 1, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.Reuters reveals a security exploit in Adobe's Flash player that let sneaky users copy streaming videos off of Amazon's Video on Demand service. Sorry, but Amazon has since fixed the problem.

After facing certain doom, Internet radio services have won a major victory in the battle for lower royalty rates. Now they just have to figure out how to make money from advertisers, and they'll be set.

MTV's upcoming Rock Band expansion pack, AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack, will be sold exclusively through Wal-Mart.

For anyone who may have felt creatively stymied by YouTube's 100MB file limit, rejoice! Thanks to the site's new uploading service, users now have an entire gigabyte to fill up with stuff no one wants to see.

How many times have you asked your friends, "When will I be able to have TiVo
on my computer?" Hopefully, at least once, or else you probably won't care that much about this LiquidTV.

SpaceX successfully launched its own rocket into orbit over the weekend, paving the way for cheaper space travel in the future. Because nothing says "relaxed passengers" like "cheap space travel."

Tech companies, including Apple and Google, saw their stocks bounce back slightly yesterday after Wall Street's nosedive on Monday. However, some funny things happened to Google just before the markets closed and have left a few people scratching their heads.Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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