WebbAlert - November 11, 2008

WebbAlert - November 11, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.YouTube has partnered with MGM to stream feature length films and TV shows. The selection is far from Hulu quality, but the deal certainly won't hurt YouTube's still frigid relationship with the rest of Hollywood.

T-Mobile and Google has reached out to AOL for a little G1 mobile phone promoting. How's a billion ad impressions across various AOL sites spread out over two whole days for the low, low price of $1.5 million sound?

Apple received a double dose of good news yesterday. First, a Square Trade study found that iPhones are twice as reliable as Blackberries. Then, the iPhone replaced
Motorola's RAZR as the top selling mobile phone in the U.S.

A week after closing 155 stores and laying off 17 percent of its workforce, Circuit City has filed for bankruptcy. To help dig itself out of its financial hole, the company took out a $1.1 billion loan so it could stay open and keep not doing much business.

Hyperion Power Generation has developed a mini nuclear reactor that could revolutionize how people view and consume energy. Just to be safe, does anyone know how I can in touch with Vault-Tec?

Intel is testing its own personalized health monitoring technology. Unlike Microsoft's online health record platform, Intel's faux-computer kit also lets users interact with doctors via a web cam and a touchscreen interface. Now you can finally tell people that all that web stripping you do is
strictly for medical purposes.Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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