WebbAlert - November 13, 2008

WebbAlert - November 13, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.Google has added voice and video chat to Gmail. It's nothing we haven't seen before, and it lacks some features seen in other services, but it has that certain Google charm; as in, its easy to use and super convenient.

Flu Trends, a new health initiative from Google, can predict flu outbreaks in any part of the country based on the number of flu-related Google searches in those areas.

Early reviews of the pre-beta version of Microsoft's next operating system Windows 7 have started popping up around the net. Nothing too shocking here. Some say it's a glorified Vista rehash. Others say it's a fast, user-friedly OS with a lot of potential. In other words, let's wait until it's released before we make up our minds about it.

The U.S. military has launched TroopTube, a user-generated video site specifically designed for military personnel and the civilians who love them.

DVR streaming service Slingbox plans to start letting Slingbox users stream content from their TVs to their computers over the Internet without having to use the previously required software.

Some people might say that a Super Nintendo modified to be an alarm clock is kind of cool. Well, those people are wrong...It's insanely cool!

You've probably recoiled in horror at creepy robots before, but here's one that can actually mimic you while you do it, facial expressions and all. Fellow humans, we had a good run.Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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