WebbAlert - November 17, 2008

WebbAlert - November 17, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.After a botched launch on Friday, Apple is expected to release Google's voice recognition search app sometime today. And not a moment too soon either. I've been trying desperately to phase out the last bit of exercise I still get on a daily basis, typing.

Sun Microsystems says it will layoff as many as 6,000 employees and one of their top executives has stepped down. But they aren't the only ones riding high this month. For the full list of company cutbacks, check out Tech Crunch's Layoff Tracker.

President-elect Barack Obama plans to post video recordings of his weekly presidential addresses on Change.org leading up to and during his administration. Cabinet officials and other members of his staff will also post video Q&A's and interviews via video as well.

Google has released a new layer for Google Earth that lets you explore ancient Rome. You know, minus the rampant debauchery, gladiatorial slaughtering, Christian purging and such. If you're a teacher and you want to use the new layer in your new curricula, Google has a contest for you.

Ever wish you could add real-time shadowing to static pictures? Probably not, because the technology behind it is kind of crazy, but you'll still totally dig it when you see it in action.

For anyone who might think every office is pretty much the same, take a look at the atomic bomb shelter-turned-sci-fi-infused offices of one of Sweden's leading internet service providers.

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