WebbAlert - November 18, 2008

WebbAlert - November 18, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
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Analysts predict that Hulu could match YouTube in ad revenue next year. Of course, Hulu does give away most of its revenue to its content providers, so it won't be putting YouTube out of business anytime soon.

The SEC has charged Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban with insider trading. Unfortunately for Cuban, it has nothing to do with basketball.

If you love TiVo, Domino's pizza and you can't get enough of TiVo partnering with other companies to let you order things through your favorite DVR, then you are going to love this story.

The new mobile phone app slydial lets you connect directly to someone's voice mail without having to worry about them answering the phone. Will it be used for good or evil? My guess, evil.

Adobe revealed a new mobile version of Flash at the company's developer conference. Apparently, Google and Apple's invitations were lost in the mail.

President-elect Barack Obama has inspired millions of Americans and given Israeli prime minister candidate Benjamin Netanyahu a lot of great ideas for his own campaign's website.

The BBC is putting together a show that will follow one family's technological journey through the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Since they'll only have access to tech from those eras, I'm betting that at least one family member will be brutally murdered before getting out of the 70s.Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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