WebbAlert - November 24, 2008

WebbAlert - November 24, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.The Blackberry Storm has finally arrived. Is it the iPhone-killer Blackberry fans hoped it would be? Or is this one storm you'd be better off taking shelter from? Reviews are pouring in, and I'm going to stop now, because I've run out of weather puns.

SnapTell's new Explorer iPhone app lets you find info about a product simply by taking a picture of it. For some ironic fun, try taking a picture of the app's page. If it doesn't rip a hole in the space-time continuum, let me know what it turns up.

Google plans to put the final touches on its Chrome web browser by January and to start pre-loading it on new computers if they can secure a distribution deal with manufacturers. And by "if," I mean "when."

Google has also introduced SearchWiki, a new feature that lets users who are logged into their Google accounts to rearrande, add, remove and leave comments on search results. If you'd rather have your old Google back, Facesaerch has you covered.

Blizzard's World of Warcraft expansion Wrath of the Lich King broke the single-day sales record for PC games with 2.8 million units sold. I'm going to go out on a limb on this one and say that this whole WOW thing is going to be huge pretty soon.

Scientists at Penn State say they have found a way to resurrect almost any animal that lived within the last 60,000 years thanks to advances in DNA-sequencing. I think I just heard Michael Crichton smack his forehead and then roll over in his grave.

Lightsabers are cool and everything, but it's not like something similar to them could ever be shrunk down and equipped to fire a laser beam that could then help fight cancer...right?Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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