WebbAlert - November 25, 2008

WebbAlert - November 25, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.The U.S. Army plans to spend $50 million on video game technologies to train soldiers. Also, new recruits must now beat Call of Duty 4 on Veteran difficulty in order to pass basic training.(That second part might not be official military policy.)

If unsubstantiated claims received from zero official sources are to be trusted, Google has been dishing out hundreds of layoffs on the sly for months now. Such dealings could end up affecting 10,000 hypothetical employees.

Well, we can all finally get some rest now that Facebook and Twitter have given up all that buyout talk. In the end, it looks like the deal fell through due to disagreements over price. Oh, and Facebook couldn't propose the bid in under 140 characters.

Microsoft has acquired the exclusive distribution rights for the second season of the hit web show "The Guild." It's sort of an odd combination - Microsoft, the Internet and nerds - but I guess it could work.

The era of the personal computer is over. The era of the personal supercomputer has begun...in an electronics shop in London.

The great thing about robots is that they can do stuff on their own, like absolutely destroy
you in Guitar Hero. Well, at least there will be good tunes when civilization crumbles.

Samsung may or may not have created a mobile device equipped with a foldable OLED display. However, there is a video of it in action, and when has a video on the Internet ever lied to us?Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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