WebbAlert - December  1, 2008

WebbAlert - December 1, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.A team of crafty developers has successfully ported the open-source Linux OS to the iPhone and iPod touch. It doesn't support most of the devices' best love features, but it's still a major step towards an all out war between Apple and hackers everywhere.

Apple's app store has officially passed the 10,000 mark. There are plenty of interesting stats to be found at 148 Apps celebration page.

Microsoft has now sold more Xbox 360s than original Xboxes. While it's not quite 25 million, Sony has sold over 17 million PlayStation 3 consoles since its launch. So don't feel bad Sony fanboys.

Atlantic Records has become the first major record label to pull in more than half its revenue from digital content like MP3s and cellphone ring tones. I knew that buying 8 million ring tones would set more than one embarrassing record.

Nokia has given up trying to gain ground in Japan's mobile phone market and has decided to only sell its luxury Vertu brand phones there. It's a good thing for Nokia that they're doing so well in the U.S....

TiVo's new mobile site lets subscribers program their DVRs via their cellphones. It's a great way to manage your viewing schedule and to find out how truly addicted to TiVo you really are.

LG plans to release 3D televisions by next year. No, they haven't said how much it will cost, and no, I don't know if you'll be able to watch Golden Girls reruns on them. So please stop asking.

If you love your old Polaroid camera but you're tired of explaining to people what it is, you should check out the new Xiao digital camera with built in printer. Finally, a technology that actually makes things more convenient.Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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