WebbAlert - December  2, 2008

WebbAlert - December 2, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
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Facebook has started promoting its new Facebook Connect service, which lets users login to third-party sites using their Facebook account information. If it sounds like the horrid Beacon program, not worry. There are privacy options this time around.

FCC chairman Kevin Martin wants to create a free wireless Internet network that is smut and porn-free. And then he's going to make it rain marshmallows and make the rivers flow with chocolate milk.

The Criterion Collection has launched its own video streaming service where users can rent classic films for five bucks apiece. Check out the festival page every month to catch a bunch of free movies. Hopefully, you haven't already paid to see them. That would be a shame.

Liberal oasis the Huffington Post has manage to secure $25 million in financing, putting the site's value at just under $100 million. Not bad for a bunch of alfalfa hugging, tree eating, polar bear marrying gypsy ranters.

Morocco has become the first country in the world to issue biometric smart-card IDs. The cards consolidate important pieces of identification and lets the government monitor its citizens' whereabouts. You've got to love technology that's simultaneously forward-thinking and creepy.

Nintendo plans to release a classic books pack for the DS, but it'll only be available in the UK for now. It's bound to be a hit too, because it brings together two things kids can't get enough of, video games and Jane Austen.

BMW dealerships are starting to offer customers the chance to use a Microsoft Surface tablet to customize and interact with various car-related features like never before. Sadly, there is no option to drag and drop large sums of cash into your bank account.
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