WebbAlert - December  3, 2008

WebbAlert - December 3, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.Nokia has revealed its new flagship smartphone, the N97. Despite sporting a slide out touchscreen and a QWERTY keyboard, it doesn't look like it will be replacing iPhones or Blackberries anytime soon.

Clearwire and Sprint-Nextel have sealed a deal to create a new company that will develop a new nationwide wireless network. The company is also working on 4G wireless technology that can reach speeds up to five times faster than current 3G networks.

YouTube is hosting a contest that could give aspriring classical musicians the chance to perform at Carengie Hall. They are also asking people to submit videos of a particular section of a new symphony by famed composer Tan Dun, which will then be judged and edited together into one massive virtual orchestra.

MicroMatic's new V-Pod beer dispenser comes with a built-in LCD screen. The only thing keeping it from being the ultimate America invention is a gun mount, a flag holder and a mini bbq spit.

Blog giant Six Apart has acquired microblogging site Pownce, hired the site's co-founder and co-engineer and shut the site down. It seems that receiving the New York Times' endorsement wasn't enough to keep it afloat.

Blockbuster and Microsoft have partnered to create online video services built on Microsoft's Live Mesh technology. Last week, Blockbuster revealed its new streaming video player. Both moves suggest the company is seriously eying Netflix's crown.

Google has added support for Apple's calendar service, iCal. It's super simple to setup, and it's free. Who loves you like Google?Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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