WebbAlert - December  4, 2008

WebbAlert - December 4, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now. Say hello to the newest top-level domain on the block, .tel. The new domain serves as an information hub for all of your contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, social network usernames, etc.). You better act fast when the domains go on sale to the public though, unless you don't mind being Charles829383.tel.

Pandora's mobile app has topped Apple's list of most downloaded free iPhone apps of the year. Recently, the online music service announced that its app had past the 2 million download mark. That's certainly music to the struggling company's ears.

Vlingo has thrown its voice into the voice-activated mobile phone app ring. Unlike the one Google released a few weeks ago, Vlingo's app lets you voice auto-dial and dictate Facebook and Tweeter updates. Your move Google.

CBS has taken over Yahoo's Launchcast music service, making itself an even more formidable force in the online music business. Meanwhile, Yahoo continues to dismember itself in the hopes of stopping its financial bleeding.

In these tough economic times, even the Spendy McGee's at Google have had to make cutbacks. Shorter free lunch periods, no afternoon tea and no more solid gold chairs. I may have made up that last one, but the company's financial concerns are very real.

YouTube is cracking down on sexually suggestive content by broadening its guidelines for applying age restrictions on videos. Please verify your age to find out what the new guidelines are.

Comedy Central has launched a new comedy site where users can find videos of stand-up performances, a joke database and comedy-related blogs. And wouldn't you know it, I have nothing funny to say about it. Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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