WebbAlert - December  9, 2008

WebbAlert - December 9, 2008


vor 15 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.Movie studios are looking to make Blu-ray DVDs more appealing to wider audiences by adding chat features to movies, interactive games and more. Now you can enjoy all the pleasures of shh-shing strangers at home!

Yahoo said it would hand out across-the-board layoffs on December 10, and it looks like that is exactly what's going
to happen. In case you work for Yahoo, and you haven't looked at a calendar in a while, that's tomorrow. Sorry.

A new report has found that 45 percent of jailed journalists around the world are Internet-based. So think about that the next time you think about taking that blogging job in China.

Japanese railway stations are experimenting with a new technology that turns footsteps into electricity and then uses that power to run ticket gates and electronic billboards. I think now's the perfect time to resurrect my Flintstone-inspired walking-powered car. Efficient and topical.

Whatever you do, don't look up the Scorpion's 1976 album Virgin Killer on Wikipedia. The page was recently banned in the U.K. after it was classified as child-porn. For the sake of society, please don't try and find out what all the fuss is about.

Netflix has officially launched its HD streaming service for TiVo Series 3 DVRs. So for the seven people out there who aren't able to stream Netflix on some other device already, and who have TiVo subscriptions, congratulations.Want to get every episode of WebbAlert automatically delivered to your iTunes software, or another great player? Click here!

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