MicrobeWorld Video - Apple TV | HD

MicrobeWorld Video - Apple TV | HD

Apple TV HD version


MWV 110 - How to Create Agar Art Using Living Microbes
6 Stunden 35 Minuten
Step inside the creative process with Agar Art 2015 winners Maria Peñil Cobo, Mixed Media Artist, and Mehmet Berkmen, PhD, Staff Scientist at New England Biolabs. During their multi-year collaboration, Maria and Memo have created astonishing works of...
MWV 109 - The Never-ending Vaccine Race
Veteran medical journalist Meredith Wadman discuses her book The Vaccine Race. It tells the timely, epic, and controversial story of the development of the first widely-used normal human cell line and, through it, important viral vaccines, including...
MWV 108 - My First Microscope
5 Stunden 48 Minuten
In late July, 2016 ASM ventured below the equator, joining public and private sector partners at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation’s (APEC) Women in Science (WiSci) STEAM Camp in Chaclacayo, Peru. ASM Young Ambassador to Uruguay, Dr. Paola Scavon...
MWV 107 - The Necrobiome: Microbial Life After Death
1 Stunde 8 Minuten
What happens to us after we die?  A decomposing corpse becomes its own mini-ecosystem, hosting insects, scavengers and multitudes of microbes.  Microbes from the environment, the corpse, as well as the insects and scavengers are blended together and...
MWV 106 - This Week in Virology - Boston Quammens
Four years after filming 'Threading the NEIDL', Vincent and Alan return to the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory BSL4 facility at Boston University where they speak with science writer David Quammen. Links for this episode David Quamm...

Über diesen Podcast

A video podcast by the American Society for Microbiology that highlights the latest in microbiology, life science and biotechnology news. ASM is composed of over 42,000 scientists and health professionals with the mission to advance the microbial sciences as a vehicle for understanding life processes and to apply and communicate this knowledge for the improvement of health and environmental and economic well-being worldwide. For information about ASM and MicrobeWorld, visit us online at www.microbeworld.org. For questions and/or feedback please email ccondayan@asmusa.org.

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