Jeff Ritzmann & Jeremy Vaeni provide an in-depth exploration of the paranormal and human consciousness. Show features interviews with guests from inside and outside the paranormal venues.


Paratopia PSA
Where are we going next?
Paratopia Presents: Citizen Hearing
The Jer channels his inner Mel Blanc to bring you a very special interpretation of the Citizen's Hearing on Disclosure, in this, the first-ever Paratopia radio play.
Epilogue To Epilogues
The Jer talks to Emma Woods about a recent odd experience involving abduction-related and hallucinatory phenomena. Together they discuss whether one's state of consciousness during an abduction differs if it's physical or nonphysical and if so, do ph...
Paratopia Epilogue Part 2
The Jeff & The Jer run down a brief list of things gone wrong in ufology since Paratopia left the internets. Then, The Jeff looks back on his recent dive back into UFO photo analysis and the public response to it. Next, The Jer tosses out a new hypot...
Paratopia Epilogue Part 1
In this part 1 of 2 epilogue to the greatest paranormal podcast in the history of several earths, The Jer is lost at sea without The Jeff. However, he is kept company by some friends with peculiar night lives.

Über diesen Podcast

Jeff Ritzmann & Jeremy Vaeni provide an in-depth exploration of the paranormal and human consciousness. Show features interviews with guests from inside and outside the paranormal venues.

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