Sliding Windows

Sliding Windows

Ein Interview Audiocast für IT PROs


SLW 22: Live in Antwerp with Chrissy LeMaire
1 Stunde 4 Minuten
In this special episode of the Sliding Windows podcast we broadcast live from the annual PowerShell conference PSConfEU that took place in Antwerp in 2024. My guest today is one of the best known celebreties of the PowerShell Universe: Chrissy LeMair...
SLW 21: .NET mit Olaf Lischke
3 Stunden 10 Minuten
Zur Jahrtausendwende angekündigt, veröffentlichte Microsoft im Jahr 2002 die erste Version dieses ".NET Framework" für Windows; eine Programm- bzw. Laufzeitbibliothek, die Anwendungsentwicklern in Form einer sogenannten Klassenbibliothek zahlreiche n...
SLW 20: WinGet with Demitrius Nelon
1 Stunde 23 Minuten
Demitrius Nelon is the product manager responsible for the Package Manager for Windows which had its beginnings in Canada with an independent software developer named Keivan Beigi, who inspired Microsoft to create their own implementation. Keivan was...
SLW 19: VSCode with Justin Grote
1 Stunde 53 Minuten
When Microsoft acquired in 2018, no one could doubt that there is a deep cultural change going on in Redmond, Washington. A few years earlier, in 2015, Microsoft began to invest in a  new text editor that can simply be described like this:...
SLW 18: A package manager for Windows with Keivan Beigi
1 Stunde 27 Minuten
When Microsoft announced a "Windows Package Manager" (better known as Winget) in the context of the Build conference in 2020, hardly anyone suspected that this overdue, long-desired tool was not a "Microsoft original". A Canadian programmer, my today...

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Ein Interview Audiocast für IT PROs

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