
59 Minuten
Darkside Links FB - www.facebook.com/@Darkside.Hardcore Insta -
www.instagram.com/we.are.darkside Soundcloud -
soundcloud.com/twisted-events/ TikTok -
www.tiktok.com/@twisted.events.official Tickets -
www.darkside.events Darkside Podcast - www.podcas...

52 Minuten
Our world famous Mix session series: Twisted's Darkside Podcast is
back with a bang! To get us all in the mood for the Darkside: Dark
Truth event which takes place in Glasgow next Friday on Friday 4th
October two of our special guests have got togeth...

1 Stunde 2 Minuten
Artist's social media https://www.facebook.com/djversattchio
https://soundcloud.com/versattchio Darkside Social Media This
mix was brought to you by possibly the world's longest running
Hardcore Podcast series? and undoubtedly the UK's longest runni...

1 Stunde 26 Minuten
Artist's social media https://www.facebook.com/xterminatedj
https://soundcloud.com/xterminatedj Darkside Social Media This
mix was brought to you by possibly the world's longest running
Hardcore Podcast series? and undoubtedly the UK's longest runni...

1 Stunde 2 Minuten
Twisted's Darkside Podcast 342 MAJOR CONSPIRACY 00:00 - 00:26
Furyan - The Impossible 00:26 - 00:57 Inner Rage - The Daydream
00:57 - 01:44 Jimmy Twin & Amon - Just Relax 01:44 - 02:25 The
Whistlers - Melody Anthem 02:25 - 04:02 Inner Rage - MF Down...
Über diesen Podcast
Hardcore & Uptempo Mixes by Twisted's Darkside

"Darkside Podcast 347 - Hardbouncer"
"Darkside Podcast"
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