Exchange rate exposure of firms diminishes when imported
intermediates and exports are denominated in currencies that move
together. Appreciations of the domestic currency, raising foreign
currency export prices, then also reduce marginal costs, allo...
We study how foreign competition affects the composition of
investments inside firms. A parsimonious model predicts that firms
have an incentive to shift their investments towards more
short-term assets when exposed to tougher competition. Using data...
Hans Albert hat in einigen Arbeiten den apriorischen Charakter des
„neoklassischen Denkstils” kritisiert und treffend als
„Modellplatonismus” bezeichnet. Die apriorische Denkhaltung findet
sich aber nicht nur in der von Albert kritisierten Neoklassik...
The lack of coordination in the resolution of multinational banks
has led to demands for the increased centralization of resolution
regimes. However, as this paper argues, the anticipation of
resolution procedures affects the incentives of host count...
This paper examines how IT influences global sourcing decisions. It
develops a theoretical model to study how IT determines the
decisions of firms located in the high-wage North whether to
offshore production to a low-wage country in the South. Offsh...
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