In this thesis, I study the formation of structure within the
current standard cosmological model using two numerical methods:
N-body simulations and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. In
Chapter 1 & 2, I will explain the motivations and objec...
Since the awareness of entanglement was raised by Einstein,
Podolski, Rosen and Schrödinger in the beginning of the last
century, it took almost 55 years until entanglement entered the
laboratories as a new resource. Meanwhile, entangled states of
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Auf iTunes U stellt die UB unter anderem eine Auswahl an
Dissertationen der Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden an der LMU
bereit. (Dies ist der 2. von 5 Teilen der Sammlung 'Fakultät für
Physik - Digitale Hochschulschriften der LMU'.)
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