

Pariyatti exists to bring people into contact with the teachings of the Buddha. We provide resources in the Theravāda tradition, and support Pāli language students and Vipassana meditators, in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin as taught by S.N. Goenka...


Our Best and Most Lasting Gift: The Universal Features of Meditation (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Our Best and Most Lasting Gift: The Universal Features of Meditation a lecture by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D. delivered at the University of Colorado, Boulder This talk was originally written in response to an invitation from multiple sponsors at Yale...
Our Best and Most Lasting Gift: The Universal Features of Meditation
Our Best and Most Lasting Gift: The Universal Features of Meditation a lecture by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D. This talk was originally written in response to an invitation from multiple sponsors at Yale University. Versions of this talk were given in 20...
Ven. Webu Sayadaw: a talk by Patrick Given-Wilson
Webu Sayadaw was important for two reasons. One was that in his time he became one of the most venerated monks in Burma; he was known as an arahant, a fully-liberated person. And the second reason is that he encouraged Sayagyi U Ba Khin, Goenkaji's...
"Come and See!" from <em>Realizing Change<-em>
“After finishing high school I was not sure what to study next. Philosophy was one of the possibilities, it seemed interesting, but I knew I did not really want to learn other people’s theories and thoughts, but rather how to live a good life myself....
"One Truth - Vipassana, Science and Spirituality" from <em>Realizing Change<-em>
For the harmonious development of individuals and society, proper integration of science and Dhamma is essential, yet they are often perceived as irreconcilable. Dhamma for many people today has become identified with sectarian religions, ritual, com...

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