

Der HPI-Wissenspodcast


The Role of Ethical Practices for AI Across Industries
54 Minuten
The rapid pace of progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has far-reaching implications for all industries. In this context, there is a need to move quickly to keep up with the competition, while at the same time upholding ethical standards and upda...
Trusting AI for Global Health
45 Minuten
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to trust AI in global health has become increasingly important. As we navigate global challenges such as poverty, conflict, and societal polarization, trust in AI and its role in health management is und...
Ethics in AI: Addressing Bias and Lack of Diversity
51 Minuten
As artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly integrates into various aspects of our lives, addressing the ethical implications of its use becomes more crucial. Algorithmic decisions are often made at such a massive speed and volume that human oversig...
AI and Democracy? The Effect of AI Systems on Elections
55 Minuten
In the digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly influencing political processes and decision-making. From targeted election campaigns to the analysis of voter behavior, AI has the potential to reshape democratic systems. While techno...
From HPI to Google
31 Minuten
Alexander Kuscher is a Senior Director of Product Management at Google. Fifteen years ago, he completed his Bachelor's degree in IT Systems Engineering at HPI. Alexander joined Google in 2010 and has since worked on various projects related to mobile...

Über diesen Podcast

Mehr Wissen über die digitale Welt. Expert:innen des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts sprechen verständlich über digitale Entwicklungen und Trends, über Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung. Jede Sendung widmet sich einem gesellschaftlich relevanten Thema: Von der Macht der Künstlichen Intelligenz über die Blockchain bis zu Hetze in den sozialen Medien.

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