Caring and Sharing - the Advanced Oncology Podcast of Ulm University

Caring and Sharing - the Advanced Oncology Podcast of Ulm University


Sexual Health and Intimacy in Colorectal Cancer Care
21 Minuten
In this episode of Caring and Sharing – the Advanced Oncology Podcast, host Uta Schmidt Strassburger speaks with Professor Gabriëlle Van Ramshorst, a surgeon and researcher at Ghent University Hospital, about the often-overlooked topic of sexua...
The design part of instructional design with Sebastian Dannenberg (in German)
14 Minuten
[ENG] In the latest episode of "Caring and Sharing," host Uta Schmidt-Straßburger talks with media designer and eLearning expert Sebastian Dannenberg about his career and his vision for the future of online learning. Sebastian, who worked for A...
Front Page Papers with Joe Lennerz
18 Minuten
Welcome to the Caring and Sharing Advanced Oncology podcast. In this episode, Uta Schmidt-Straßburger is joined again by Dr. Joe Lennerz, a board-certified pathologist and the chief scientific officer at BostonGene. The discussion cove...
Neue Horizonte - von der Universitätsklinik in die Praxis mit PD Dr. Daniela Colleselli
15 Minuten
**Eine leitende Urologin wagt den Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit – Einblicke in ihre Entscheidung und den neuen Alltag**   In unserem neuesten Podcast-Interview spricht Dr. Daniela Colleselli, eine erfahrene Urologin und Absolventin d...
From Radiology to Venture Capital – When caring for patients takes an unusual turn
11 Minuten
In this episode of Caring & Sharing – The Advanced Oncology podcast, we are meeting Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meier, co-founder of the investment capital company YZR (pronounced w-i-s-e-r), who worked as a radiologist at Ulm University Hospitals and c...

Über diesen Podcast

🇬🇧 Welcome to Caring & Sharing - the Advanced Oncology Podcast of Ulm University. In this podcast, we talk about current developments and projects of our faculty, our students and alumni. New episodes every 2 weeks - alternating between english and german. Stay tuned! 🇩🇪 Willkommen zu Caring & Sharing - dem Onkologie Podcast der Universität Ulm. In diesem Podcast besprechen wir aktuelle Entwicklungen und Projekte unserer Lehrenden, Studierenden und Alumni sowie Kooperationspartner*innen. Neue Folgen alle 2 Wochen im wechselnden Rhythmus Deutsch - Englisch. Bleiben Sie gespannt!

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"Sexual Health and Intimacy in Colorectal Cancer Care"
"Caring and Sharing - the Advanced Oncology Podcast of Ulm University"
"Sexual Health and Intimacy in Colorectal Cancer Care"
"Caring and Sharing - the Advanced Oncology Podcast of Ulm University"