Transforming Industries

Transforming Industries


Episode #11: Transformation und Digitalisierung im Maschinenbau (mit Jan Rodig)
52 Minuten
Welchen Impact auf Financial Performance und Wertentwicklung haben Digitalisierungsinitiativen eigentlich? Deutsche Maschinenbauunternehmen stehen vor einer Vielzahl Herausforderungen und befinden sich inmitten einer massiven Transformati...
Episode #10: Industrial Additive Manufacturing – Quo vadis? (with Hans-Alfred Breuninger)
43 Minuten
Is the hype over? Are we entering a phase of realism? And do we finally see the consolidation wave everybody is talking about since years? In this episode it is all about Additive manufacturing and a lot of questions to discuss. And I am do...
Episode #9: Deep Dive - Wird der Maschinenbau zur nächsten Automobilindustrie?
47 Minuten
Das Straucheln der deutschen Automobilindustrie bei der Transformation der Branche ist mehr denn je im Fokus der Öffentlichkeit und es gibt mehr als nur Warnsignale, dass dies kein Einzelfall bleiben muss. Auch im Maschinenbau gibt es Anzei...
Episode #8: Transforming Procurement – The Founding Story of akirolabs (with Michael Pleuger)
In this episode of Transforming Industries, I sit down with Michael Pleuger, CEO and Co-founder of akirolabs, a leading procure-tech startup from Berlin. We explore Michael's inspiring journey from a successful career in consulting to launching...
Episode #7: Entering the PLM Software market – the founding story of OpenBOM (with Oleg Shilovitsky)
56 Minuten
Sustainability, hardware-software-integration, product complexity, technology trends such as digital twins and other drivers increase the attention on PLM software.  A comparably mature software segment is experiencing increasing dynamic, als...

Über diesen Podcast

"Transforming Industries" is the interview podcast in German and English featuring Tim Löbig, Co-Founder of LOEBIG-ADVISORS. Every two weeks, Tim delves into the topics of Industrial Transformation, Industrial Tech, and M&A together with his guests, examining them from various perspectives. In these conversations, discover more about the challenges, opportunities, potentials, and best practices of Industrial Transformation. Learn how established companies overcome challenges or how disruptors scale their businesses and change industries - and of course - the role M&A plays in this context.

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