NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence


C2, Technology, & the Complex Endeavor Space | Dr. David S. Alberts (Institute for Defense Analyses)
In this final episode of the first season of our podcast ‘C2 and Beyond’ LtCol (NLD N MC) Frank Gubbels, sits down to discuss this topic with the esteemed Dr. David S. Alberts.
NATO C2COE Media Strategy | Mr. Max van Rijn (NLD CIV, NATO C2COE)
In this bonus episode, we delve deeper into the rapidly changing media landscape brought on by COVID-19, and the implications for military organizations who continue to work and share information.  LT Adrian Granillo (USA N) sits down with the NATO C...
MDOC2D and the Future of DMP | COL Robert Meeuwsen (NLD A, NATO C2COE)
In 2019, the NATO C2COE commissioned a two-part study on the future of the command post. The ‘Future of the Command Post’ explored the attitudes and expectations of senior NATO leaders, and academy students towards technology, and the theoretical dis...
C2 Information Sharing | Garrison Technology | Dave “Flash” Flanagan
In this episode, we delve deeper into the question of what it means to securely collaborate and exploit information, and how that information sharing act can be done in a more seamless way. To further elaborate on the work their company is doing and...
Multi-Domain Operations | LtCol Henry Heren (JAPCC)
25 Minuten
In this episode, LtCol (NLD AF) Herbert de Groot (NATO C2COE) and LtCol (USA AF) Henry Heren (JAPCC) discuss the emergence of multi-domain operations beyond the traditional “big 3”, and the importance to NATO in identifying how to adapt to this rapid...

Über diesen Podcast

We support NATO, nations and international institutions/organisations with subject matter expertise on Command and Control. Our main level of interest is C2 at the Operational level with a focus on C2 Processes and Structures, Information and Knowledge Management, and Human Factors.

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