Seminars@Hadley - Accessibility and Technology

Seminars@Hadley - Accessibility and Technology

Accessibility and Technology


Using the NLS Digital Talking Book Machine
Join Seminars@Hadley as Hadley technology instructor Vikki Vaughan shares tips and techniques for using the DTBM to access Hadley courses, including navigating the Bookshelf feature, as well as various navigation levels within a Hadley course.
iFocus 16: Tips on Using the Vision Accessibility Features in iOS
Join Seminars@Hadley as Hadley Access Technology Instruction Specialist and iDevice trainer Douglas Walker explores "Tips for Using the Vision Accessibility Features in iOS" This seminar will cover the following topics: Turning On and Off VoiceOver,...
Blindfold Games
Join Seminars@Hadley as Marty Schultz, founder of Blindfold Games, discusses the science behind the games, and shares how the games are built. Larry Muffett, a member of Hadley's Seminars team, will moderate this 60-minute seminar. A question and ans...
iFocus 15: Tips On Using The Vision Accessibility Features in iOS
Join Seminars@Hadley as Hadley Access Technology Instruction Specialist and iDevice trainer Douglas Walker explores "Tips for Using the Vision Accessibility Features in iOS." This seminar will cover the following topics: Exploring "My Music" Library;...
An Overview and Basic Introduction to JAWS
Join Seminars@Hadley as Hadley technology instructor Ian Shadrick introduces new users to the basics of JAWS. Larry Muffett, a member of Hadley's Seminars team, will moderate this 60-minute seminar. A question and answer session will be included as p...

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Seminars@Hadley - Accessibility and Technology

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