Sound School Podcast

Sound School Podcast

The Backstory to Great Audio Storytelling


Please Keep WCAI Right Where It Is
21 Minuten
WCAI, the public radio station for Cape Cod, has been told it needs to move -- to leave the home it broadcasts from. An actual home. A former captain's house. News that the house had been sold startled the station staff and the community. In th...
Keep the Universal in Mind for Local Stories
15 Minuten
The story from Slovenia on this episode of Sound School is hyper-local -- so local, you might not catch all the cultural references. But, the reporter, Ajda Kus, says that's okay. The key to telling a great local story is to give weight to univ...
Revisiting: A Stranger With a Microphone
17 Minuten
When should a reporter turn around a leave? At what point do should they say "I won't report on these people. They need their space, not a stranger with a microphone." Jay Nathan faced that exact situation some years ago reporting on a man who...
Revisiting: Who Are You As a Storyteller?
34 Minuten
Robert Krulwich, formerly of Radiolab, once said "how you write is basically who you are." It's a profound statement, a kind-of koan. It requires a little bit of thought. Krulwich can be that way. But, it leads to an essential question for anyo...
Retreat! And Make Stories with Friends
28 Minuten
"To play and to fail and to get to know each other and to celebrate the craft of making audio... What's better than that," Jasmin Bauomy asks. When inspiration struck, Jasmin put together a four-day audio retreat for about a dozen producers fro...

Über diesen Podcast

The Backstory to Great Audio Storytelling, hosted by Rob Rosenthal, for Transom and PRX.

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"Please Keep WCAI Right Where It Is"
"Sound School Podcast"