Recycled Electrons

Recycled Electrons

Astronomy, Space, Science


136: Woolly, Fluffy Attempts
Chris and Rob discuss dusty Martian rovers, the 10th dotastronomy conference and an AI that writes astronomical papers.  [MP3 Link] Episode #136. Follow us on Twitter @recycledelec @orbitingfrog and @chrislintott. Credits: Audio c...
135 Orbiting Rob
Chris quizzes Rob about his upcoming departure from the Zooniverse. There is some brief coverage of news, but also politics, gadgets reviews and other nonsense. A sensible as ever. [MP3 Link] Episode #135. If you have anything you’d like...
134 Astronauts and Streetlamps
Chris and Rob discuss streetlights, astrology and Ceres: the dwarf planet. There are organic molecules at the centre of a galaxy, and a black hole that’s the wrong size. Links: Ceres is getting odd:
133 Candy Melt
Chris and Rob are joined by Lovely Scottish Grant and Becky Smethurst for an expanded-panel Recycled Electrons. We discuss Mars One, Mars’s mysterious plumes, and astronomers on Twitter. Also: Super Mario. Links: A near miss: http://w...
132 Ambitious Podcast
Chris is in Hawaii and Rob is not(!). They talk about observing at the CSO, the differing views of scientists and the public, and the new UK-based Twinkle exoplanet mission. Links: (American) Public vs. (AAAS) Scientists http://www.pewi...

Über diesen Podcast

Astronomy and science chatter from astronomers Chris Lintott and Robert Simpson. Recorded in the heart of Oxford on the finest land available. Follow us @recycledelec on Twitter and individually on @chrislintott and @orbitingfrog. If you like what you hear, leave us a review on iTunes.

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