42 Minuten
Das Rotweißbrot-Weihnachtsspecial ist da! Macht es euch gemütlich
und lauscht den beiden Meisterbäckern Christian und Markus, die
mit Gast Christoph auch ohne Kekse krümeln.
33 Minuten
Rainforests, biodiversity and an endless number of national
parks: Costa Rica is probably THE place to be. A country without
military, but with legendary sloths and maybe the best coffee in
the world. Listen to what our guest - a real Tica - ha...
34 Minuten
"Democracy has disappeared in several other great nations --
disappeared not because the people of those nations disliked
democracy, but because they had grown tired of unemployment and
insecurity, of seeing their children hungry while they sat...
34 Minuten
Oh my brioche and sacre cordon bleu! How cannelés RotWeissbrot
baguette French people to listen to the Podcast? We crossaint our
fingers that we profiteroles of our French guest this week. Our
délicieux topics: Foreign languages, food & fashion...
40 Minuten
You must've heard about the major protests in Belarus lately. In
the third and very special episode, RotWeissBrot had a chat with
one of the protesters. Listen up to hear what she has to say
about it!
Über diesen Podcast
Bei RotWeissBrot sammeln Christian und Markus mit Laib und Seele
die Krümel des Alltags auf und betrachten die Welt mit
rot-weiß-roter Brille. Brot und Hörspiele - serviert im
Wochenrythmus für alle treuen Brösler. Bekommen sie das gebacken
oder wird man hier aufs Vollkorn genommen?
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