
11. I did it.
6 Minuten
I did it. I I passed my test and I’m incredibly relieved now. Thanks to everyone who helped me to improve my English. In this episode I recorded myself shortly before the test and shortly after the test. In the end i'm pretty confused after this expe...
10. The last instrument
6 Minuten
In this new episode I Talk about Cars… but why?
9. The year 2309 | TDP-Ep. 1
6 Minuten
In the first Episode of MonoLog. Season 2 I introduce the new story narrative format. In the first Episode of „The Dyson Project“ arrives the main character Leonard in the year 2309 and meets two guys from the 24. Century, the Varities Son and Dy.
8. Today is tomorrow already yesterday
4 Minuten
In this Episode I introduce a new MonoLog Season and reflect the last months.
7. The infinite Scroll
8 Minuten
In this episode I will talk about a fundamental change in the Instagram App.

Über diesen Podcast

About learning, curiosity and me.

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